8 Most Banned Dog Breeds in the World 

By Manish

1. Pit Bull Terrier

Some places don't allow this dog because they worry it might be mean.

2. Rottweiler

Some areas say no to these big dogs because they think they might cause trouble.

3. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Like Pit Bulls, some places ban these dogs because they're afraid they might be unfriendly.

4. American Bulldog

They're strong, but in some areas, they're not allowed because people worry they might hurt someone.

5. Japanese Tosa

These dogs were bred for fighting, so some countries don't let people have them because they could be dangerous.

6. Fila Brasileiro

These big dogs can be protective, but in some places, they're not allowed because they might hurt someone.

7.Dogo Argentino

They're used for hunting, but in some places, they're banned because they could be dangerous to people or other animals.

8. Presa Canario

They're big and strong, and in some places, they're banned because they might hurt someone.