10 of the Largest Birds in the World

By Manish

1. Ostrich 

These are the biggest birds. They're from Africa and can be up to 9 feet tall and weigh up to 320 pounds. 

2. Southern Cassowary 

They live in New Guinea and Australia. They're about 6.6 feet tall. 

3. Emu 

They're the second-biggest after ostriches. They can grow up to 6.2 feet tall and weigh around 120 pounds. 

4. Emperor Penguin 

These penguins are from Antarctica. They're about 3.9 feet tall and can weigh up to 90 pounds. 

5. Andean Condor 

Found in the Andes mountains of South America, they have a wingspan of up to 10.5 feet. 

6. Dalmatian Pelican 

These birds are from Europe and Asia. They're really heavy, with males weighing up to 33 pounds and a wingspan of up to 11.5 feet. 

7. Kori Bustard 

These birds live in Africa. They're big and heavy, with males weighing up to 40 pounds and standing over 4 feet tall. 

8. Great Bustard

Found in Europe and parts of Asia, they're also big and heavy, with males weighing up to 40 pounds and a wingspan of up to 8.5 feet. 

9. Wandering Albatross 

These birds live in the Southern Ocean and have the biggest wingspan of any bird, up to 11 feet. 

10. Marabou Stork 

These storks are found in Africa. They're really tall, over 5 feet, with a wingspan of up to 13 feet.